the benefits of somatic therapy

Find harmony in your mind, body, and spirit through the transformative power of Somatic Therapy.

🌿 Have you ever felt like your mind and body are out of sync, leaving you stressed and disconnected?

🌿 What if there was a way to heal both your physical and emotional wounds simultaneously, leading to a more balanced and harmonious life?

Somatic therapy is a unique approach to healing that emphasizes the connection between the mind and body. For those seeking a comprehensive therapeutic experience, somatic therapy offers a sanctuary where physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being are nurtured can transform lives.

What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy focuses on the body's sensations and experiences to address psychological and emotional issues. By becoming more attuned to physical sensations, individuals can uncover and release stored trauma, stress, and tension.

Principles of Somatic Therapy

The core principle of somatic therapy is that the body holds onto past experiences, which can manifest as physical and emotional symptoms. By working through these bodily sensations, you can achieve deeper healing and self-awareness.

How Somatic Therapy Fits into Holistic Healing

Somatic therapy complements holistic healing by addressing the physical manifestations of psychological issues. It helps bridge the gap between mind and body, ensuring a more integrated and comprehensive healing process.

Mental Health Benefits of somatic therapy

1. Reduction of Anxiety and Stress

Somatic therapy has been shown to effectively reduce anxiety and stress by helping you become more aware of your body's responses and learn techniques to manage these sensations.

2. Treatment of Trauma and PTSD

Through techniques like grounding and body awareness, somatic therapy provides a safe space to process and release trauma, offering significant relief from PTSD symptoms.

3. Enhancement of Emotional Regulation

By focusing on bodily sensations, you can learn to recognize and regulate your emotions more effectively, which can lead to improved emotional stability and resilience.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

1. Building Resilience

Somatic therapy helps build resilience by teaching you how to manage stress and recover from adversity more effectively.

2. Increasing Self-Awareness

Through the exploration of bodily sensations, you can gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, fostering greater self-awareness.

3. Promoting Emotional Healing

Somatic therapy facilitates emotional healing by providing a safe space to process and release suppressed emotions and trauma.

Spiritual Benefits

1. Connection to Self and Others

Somatic therapy fosters a deeper connection to oneself and others, promoting empathy, compassion, and a sense of belonging.

2. Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit

Somatic therapy promotes the integration of mind, body, and spirit, leading to a more harmonious and balanced existence.

3. Enhancement of Spiritual Well-Being

By integrating mind, body, and spirit, somatic therapy enhances spiritual well-being and supports a more holistic approach to life.

Physical Health Benefits

1. Pain Management and Relief

Somatic therapy can alleviate chronic pain by addressing the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to physical discomfort.

2. Enhancement of Body Awareness

You can develop a heightened sense of body awareness, which can lead to better posture, movement patterns, and overall physical well-being.

3. Improvement in Physical Mobility

By increasing body awareness and releasing tension, somatic therapy can enhance physical mobility and flexibility, promoting overall physical health.

Techniques Used in Somatic Therapy

1. Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are fundamental in somatic therapy, helping you regulate your nervous system and become more present in your body.

2. Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques, such as feeling the feet on the ground or sensing the body's weight, help you stay connected to the present moment and reduce anxiety.

3. Movement and Bodywork

Incorporating movement and bodywork allows you to release stored tension and trauma, promoting physical and emotional healing.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation practices enhance body awareness and can help you develop a deeper connection to you inner experiences.


Somatic therapy offers a comprehensive and integrative approach to healing that addresses the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, trauma, chronic pain, or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, somatic therapy can provide profound benefits.

By investing in therapy, you are taking a powerful step towards lasting wellness and a more balanced, fulfilling life.


meet our therapists


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**All psychotherapy services are provided by Life by Design Therapy, a holistic and somatic psychotherapy center founded by Melody Wright, LMFT. Life by Design Therapy welcomes the diversity of all ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, family configurations, sexual orientations, and gender identities.