Healing from the Inside Out: Long-Term Strategies for Managing Anger

By Melody Wright, LMFT

Therapy for Anger in Bay Area

As part of our final blog for our “All About Anger” series, we’d like to introduce you to some resources and options for how to address your anger, and its effects, long term. Learning skills such as deep breathing and identifying when to take a step back may keep your anger at bay for that moment, but can pose a challenge when you remain angry even after that moment has passed. If you’re interested in taking a deeper dive into understanding and addressing anger, we highly recommend the following:

  • Begin to bring awareness to your physical or emotional cues that your body experiences when you become angry. Most people will have certain physical and emotional cues that let them know they are beginning to feel angry (grinding teeth, sharp pain in their back, feeling increasingly warm, etc.). Learning more about your cues can help you begin to identify when your anger levels are beginning to rise even if you may not immediately realize what is happening in your body. 

  • Join an anger support group. Some individuals learn better from hearing others share similar thoughts or experiences. If you feel like joining a supportive community that will help you learn more about your anger and strategies to address it, look into local centers or community agencies that can offer support. 

  • Read a book or online article about the cycles of anger and aggression. If reading and learning are some of your fortes, there’s a lot you can learn from others that can help you identify the patterns that surround anger and aggression. These patterns or cycles usually reflect a situation or event that sparks anger, your reaction to that event/situation, and the aftermath of your reaction. Once you are able to identify how that cycle plays out in your day to day activities, you can use different strategies (like stopping your thoughts before you react) to prevent a “blow up” or display signs of aggression.

  • Talk to a therapist. Anger can stem from different places, and at its worst, can begin to impact your relationships, career goals, and overall physical health. It is okay to tap into different methods of support when you haven’t been able to identify the strategy that works best for you. A therapist can collaborate with you to learn more about where your anger stems from, and what skills can be used to address your anger. 

We hope that our All About Anger series has given you a few different tips to reign in your anger when you feel it building up. As always, our licensed therapists are able and available to help you in your journey to address anger, and the other emotions associated with anger (aggression, frustration, overwhelm). Don’t hesitate to reach out should you need additional support. 


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